Tuesday 21 May 2019

// Happiness //

  1. the state of being happy.

    Being happy is such a subjective phenomenon; it varies for each individual. See,

To her, happiness is when she's transported to another world through a writer's whimsical use of the 26 letters of the alphabet. 

To him, happiness is when his fingers bounce on the monochromatic keys, gliding with fervor, eliciting melodies so pleasing to hear.

To them, happiness is when they delight taste buds with concoctions, topping it off with a sprinkle of intuition and a dash of passion.

To them, happiness is when they maneuver from pinches to slopers, gripping their way to the top, fueled by their determination and adrenaline. 

To them, happiness is when they turn heads, using their flair and finesse, transforming empty canvases into something tremendously outstanding.

To me, though, happiness is simply when I am with you
