Tuesday 22 September 2015

// Messages To All Parents //

- Not taking your child's injuries seriously when they are younger may make them feel like they can't tell you anything when they're older.

- PLEASE let your kids take personal days once in awhile when they've reached high school.

- Grades are NOT everything. You can get plenty of jobs without have to go to college. (Education is important though.)

- Really strict parenting lead to sneaky kids. Trust me and learn to trust your kids.

- Let them be who they want to be. They can't change who they are; whether it's sexual orientation, gender identity or anything else.

- Never say "You're too young to know."

- 1/4 of teenagers deal with mental illness of some sort in the U.S. Please make sure they're fine.

- You can't make them choose an educational field.

- Even an A+ student who is a star athlete can be suicidal; MENTAL HEALTH COMES FIRST.

- Self-harm is more common than you think amongst teenagers. It's not always cutting or on their wrist. Be aware and always show them their worth.

- Tattoos and piercings aren't "unprofessional", it won't affect their performance in any way at all.

- If they have depression, please take them seriously and do not call them lazy. It's one of the worst things you can say to them.

- If their grades are dropping for no apparent reason, ask them about it. Do not assume things.

- Most teenagers do not have high self-esteem. Do not make it worse.

-  School is much harder than it ever has been before. Times have changed and so has the education system.

- Not everyone on the internet is a predator. (Take caution but to an extent.)

- Internet friends is normal nowadays.

- Always try to take them seriously.

- Don't take their phones/computers away from them as that is severing a link to, what could be the only, people that understand and care about them.

- Never compare them to their siblings/relatives or anyone in general.